I really have trouble with trying to explain this part.
First off, 'tr' stands for "Table Row" so this means that this tag starts a new row in our table. And 'td' stands for "Table Data" which is the place where you will put any of your information and what not - even images. Work as a pair to open a new row and start the table. However, a | can often be found with out a |
There must always be the same amount of
As a basic rule, EVERY table must end with a |
For this section I suggest that you copy and past everything below into something like practiceboard.com and then take a look at what I have written. It might help.
This here starts your table, first row, and first place to put your data.
Ending the td but not ending the tr will allow me to put another section on this same row right next to this original one.
Opening this td starts another data section right next to my first one since there is no tr to put it on a new row.
Now, with the closing td and tr I have ended that second data section and that first row. Opening a new row and a new data section(that is the width of two columns) is what I have chosen to do next. |